Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Nipplepeople wish u happy holidays...

Ekipa!!!!!! Cestitamo vam i saljemo najbolje zelje za sve sto volite i sto slavite. Takodjer, zahvaljujemo vam se na svim komentarima, zeljama, porukama, na dolasku i na podrsci na ono par nastupa koje smo vam priredili. Nama je ovo bila jedna neocekivana i fenomenalna godina. Jedna od onih u kojima ne pitas kako i zasto nego je vozis. Pa vam stoga porucujemo, vozite, sve ce biti barem u redu. A za one nesklone primanju poruka, kao i za sve ostale, napravili smo praznicnu verziju jedne nase neobjavljene pjesme. Jednu organsku, uz minimalnu kolicinu plastike, sa kao i uvijek odlicnom ilustracijom Anite Celic Celle. Uzivajte. Sve vas vole nipplepeople.

Pjesma je spremna za download na vec poznatom mjesto na vrhu stranice.


U petak, 24. 12. u 8 sati navecer. MTV. Hitorama. I mi smo jedni od gostiju. Pa ako budete u blizini kakvog TVa... Puno pozdrava.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Anita Celić Cella...

... poznata vam je kao autorica covera za BROJ, SUTRA, za YAMMAT Kompilaciju. Mi je poznajemo malo drugacije i malo duze. Ali neka ne bude ovaj post onaj koji objasnjava rijecima. Dole su linkovi za radove iz njene nocne tvornice, a mi vam ih s ponosom i sa srcem predstavljamo. Uzivajte.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Daft Punk, just a little bit of history repeating...

Last summer, Daft Punk's soundtrack to Tron: Legacy leaked on the internet. You would think that Daft Punk fans might exercise caution when it comes to internet leaks after that unfortunate business with their last studio album, 2005's Human After All. When tracks purporting to be from the follow-up to the multimillion-selling Discovery emerged online, a lot of devotees rushed to announce that they were very obviously faked, that two zeitgeist-defining musical geniuses such as Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo couldn't possibly be responsible for anything so shoddy and uninspired. In the enormously unlikely event that they were responsible, it was suggested, these tracks were clearly intended as a joke to put people off the scent of their forthcoming masterpiece.
Unfortunately, the devotees duly discovered that no, they weren't faked; yes, Bangalter and De Homem-Chrosto were responsible; and no, the tracks weren't a joke.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

MTV Presents : NipplePeople & inje LIVE! powered by Loud And Queer / 26.11.

Evo sta kazu organizatori:
Po prvi put za svojih sedam godina postojanja Loud & Queer u saradnji sa MTV-em organizuje koncert. Predstavljamo vam beogradski i zagrebački elektropop na jednom mestu. Žurka/koncert na koji se dugo čekalo...
Klub Apartman
Karađorđeva 43
Belgrade, Serbia

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

"Everyone loses though everyone tries/ Everyone's human, even those we despise."

"From an early age I was humming endlessly in the back of the car. I remember my mum asking me what I was humming and saying, 'I don't know. I made it up.' At 10 I wrote a song called Digital Watch. 'Walking down the street/ Wanna know the time/ Look at my wrist/ I've got a digital watch, a digital watch!' My first proper song was Nobody Wins When Somebody Dies. Like Bono, I hadn't discovered irony yet; I was in Derry listening to Sting and Peter Gabriel. It was post-punky, very average, but it had verses, a chorus, a beginning, an end and a nice A minor, F, C, E chord progression, all of which was a triumph. Everything you write at that age you think is the best song ever written; you have to think that to have any impetus. I was so certain of my own genius I made a compilation tape of all my earliest songs. There are side notes like: 'Used church organ here,' and 'Recorded spring '85.' It's almost unlistenable, but I admire the fact that I took the time. Looking back, it took me six years to write a genuinely good song."

Neil Hannon, The Divine Comedy

Thursday, 28 October 2010

...last night in London, Suede came back...

...Anderson interacted with the crowd frequently, shaking hands with audience members and unbuttoning his black shirt for the majority of the performance, before asking them towards the end of the gig what song they wanted next.
"Do you want a good one or a shit one?" the singer challenged the crowd. "I'll give you a good one - I'll give the best one," he then declared as the band launched into 'The Wild Ones'... LISTEN

Sunday, 24 October 2010

October gave a party ili Autumn gave a party...

October gave a party
The leaves by hundreds came
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.

George Cooper, “October’s Party”

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

A evo i snimke s Runjicevih veceri...

Ne znamo sta se zbilo s HRT-om ali zato you tube nikad ne iznevjeri. Pozdrav, nipplepeople.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

6. Runjiceve veceri, bilo nam je prvi put, na toliko puno nacina...

...dok ne ispliva neki jutjub ili jos neke fotke, evo jedne od Maje Prgomet. Mi jos zbrajamo dojmove a vec je utorak. Snimka koncerta je u nedjelju, u 14h, na drugom programu HRTa. Pozdrav svima. nipplepeople

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Zagreb, Sirup, 24.09., Dj Marmat, DJ Ivna Yuri, DJ duo Ljubavna Farmakopeja i nipplepeople...

Sve jasno. Molimo vas da u slucaju dolaska glasno skandirate i nekontrolirano skacete. Mi se tim hranimo i lijepo nam je vidjeti vas takve. Nemamo nikakvih drugih uputa. Vidimo se tamo...

Friday, 10 September 2010

Internet killed the MTV star, ili Internet killed MTV...

...it wasn't long ago that the music video was on life support. MTV — which will hold its 27th annual Video Music Awards on Sunday — phased out videos in favor of reality programming and other shows that attracted better ratings. At the same time, the music industry was collapsing and slashed budgets no longer had room for elaborate clips. But recently, the music video has had a revival. Watching music videos has become a central aspect of Internet usage. In fact, four of the five most-viewed clips on YouTube are music videos released in the last year. Music blogs and social media have greased the channels, facilitating the quick, easy spreading of videos, especially those with arresting or controversial visuals. People even buy clips on iTunes...

Sunday, 29 August 2010

U nedostatku inspiracije za osvrt na splitski nastup...

... poslan nam je danas slijedeci video zapis. Ako slika vrijedi tisucu rijeci, ni sami onda ne znamo koliko vrijedi pokretna slika s tonom. Ali vjerovatno vise od tisucu i petsto rijeci... No da se ne zamaramo dalje s brojkama, pogledajmo o cemu se zapravo radi i zahvalimo se fanclubu na ovom super uratku.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

nipplepeople, SUTRA, how convinient REMIX...

Remixi stizu i dalje, i dalje su odlicni.... Ovaj novi definitivno spada u kategoriju POPRILICNO I STVARNO PLESNIH remixeva, pulsirajuci, donna summerovski bas, jurilica, poslusajte... odlicno je.


Friday, 20 August 2010

Sutra downloadan 3000 puta...

Hvala svima na interesu, paznji, dobrim zeljama i pohvalama. Trudimo se i dalje. I trudit cemo se. Obecavamo. Sebi i vama. Pozdrav.


Monday, 16 August 2010

...novi broševi kod Kompe Juniora, navalite...

Dobili smo mail od Kompe Juniora, one iste Kompe koja je izradila ogrlicu sa riječi SUTRA. Pisalo je u mailu samo ovo: stigoše broševi u moj mali dućan. http://www.etsy.com/shop/kompajunior
Pa navalite, ova mačka je fenomenalna, ali ima još svačega!!!

Saturday, 24 July 2010

...a Arena za kostimografiju ide Zorani Meic, za 'Šuma summarum'...

Evo nas je bas nazvala Zorana da se pohvali nagradom, a mi ovo pisemo da se pohvalimo kako ona i nama radi kostime, iliti outfite ili robu, za nastupe. Uzasno nam je drago za njen uspjeh, ali se i ljudski pribojavamo poskupljenja njenih usluga i njene buduce pretrpanosti i zauzetosti. Kako smo samo jedan i po put bili s njom na nekakvim laganim alkoholnim zabavicama, nemamo cak ni neke zanimljive pikanterije kojima bi ju eventualno ucjenjivali odluci li se za poskupljenje, tako da... sutimo i cekamo. Cestitke i cvijece. Bravo.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Summer skies await...

My companion and I were alone with the stars: the misty river of the Milky Way flowing across the sky, the patterns of the constellations standing out bright and clear, a blazing planet low on the horizon. It occurred to me that if this were a sight that could be seen only once in a century, this little headland would be thronged with spectators. But it can be see many scores of nights in any year, and so the lights burned in the cottages and the inhabitants probably gave not a thought to the beauty overhead; and because they could see it almost any night, perhaps they never will.
Rachel Carson

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Agramsville ft nipplepeople: Sanjam

Kako smo u SANJAM samo suradnici nismo u mogucnosti ponudit vam je na download, ali You Tube je vrti kad god vi to pozelite, pa samo naprijed.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Inje: "e ćao znam da kasnimo pola godine, ali šta sad da se radi..."

"...godina je neka daleka. Neka tiha i tuzna. Nista nije prezivjelo. Samo poneki music box svira. Unatoc prasini. Sviraju sjecanje. Zamisljaju da se tih par preostalih robota mozda zaustavlja tu zbog njih. Njihov glas im vise nije hladan. Na tren ih podsjeti na sve. I onda sve nestane. Nema niceg tu. Samo neuzvracena ljubav, jedan stari radio i taj poznati glas..."

Poslusajte Sutra kako ju vide Inje. A onda inzistiramo da poslusate njihovu pjesmu Danas. Nije sala, kao, danas, sutra i to. Tu se zbiva nesto stvarno zanimljivo. Napnite usi, mi od njih ocekujemo svasta. Dame i gospodo, Inje...

Kliknite pak OVDJE da biste otisli na njihov web i besplatno uzeli sve njhove radove.
Pozdrav, nipplepeople.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Yammat Kompilacija, omot kompilacije i nas novi uradak na istoj...

Dakle, Yammat kompilacija u prodaji za tjedan dana. Naslovljena odlicnim omotom nase stalne suradnice i prijateljice, autorice i svih nasih omota, Anite Celic Celle :)
Na CDu vas cekaju Sappa, Egoclinique, Agramsville, Das Wegas, nipplepeople i Yammat naravno.
Nipplepeople su se u zadnje vrijeme igrali s Agramsvilleom, posudili im glas, neke zvucne instalacije i pomogli im zavrsiti njhov singl Sanjam. Mi smo featuring znaci. Stvar mozete uloviti na Otvorenom radiu, ili na gorespomenutoj kompilaciji.
Nas novi singl, samostalni, ocekujte krajem ljeta, najvjerovatnije ove godine:)

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

LCD Soundsystem: tonight...

"I'm not afraid to show my hand. I'm old. I'm not going to pretend that rock was invented by me or us. I think if you're working with a persona-type rock vibe where you're like, "I'm feeling it! This is who I am! We share feelings together!" then it has to have all this realness to it. And so what you can't show is that you might have actually ripped that bassline from a Joy Division song, because then what are you real about? You know, what's going on here? You're not supposed to be self-conscious. You're supposed to be lost in the rock zeitgest. But if that's not what you're interested in, then it's kind of liberating. You don't really have to worry about it. It's not that we're consciously trying to strike a balance, it's just that we're not worried about the other stuff, so you just get to make what you like." James Murphy, LCD Soundsystem

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Nipplepeople: skoro pa merchendise...

Nasa prijateljica neobicnog imena Kompa Junior, koristi se koncem, iglom i strpljenjem, da bi izradila ukrase za svoja i tudja poprsja. Ne znamo vise cija je ideja bila da se izradi koncani SUTRA, ali on je izradjen, i poprilicno je zgodan. Navodno se izradjuju u raznim varijantama, i navodno se autorica jako trudi oko njih, ali lako je moguce da su sve to samo glasine... No jedan je tu, na slici, i izgleda stvarno, te ga na njenom shopu mozete pogledati iz raznih kuteva, kao uostalom i sve ostale Kompine rukotvorine. I ako se vec ne odlucite za kupnju, ostavite joj barem poruku ili znak... jer je zasluzila. Kliknite OVDJE za KOMPAJUNIOR SHOP. Happy shopping.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Nipplepeople: tommorow never dies... :)

Remixevi i dalje stizu. I dalje su odlicni. Dajemo vam na uvid nova 3.

Idemo abecedom opet. Prvi je Atsika i toplo preporucamo da preslusate sve njegove remixeve na Soundcloudu da steknete dojam. Nama je on super. Divlji. Pokretan. Ne monoton. A kad ste vec tu, bacite uho i na njegov drugi projekt, Krcko Oraschitsch.

Uglavnom, evo njegove verzije Sutra.

This chapter we're gonna write in english as this remixer is from Japan. He found us through a friend from Croatia and decided to do a remix. Its an itchy and scratchy affair, its a gameboyish and noisey adventure, and it was exactly what we'd hoped we would get. Thank you very much Mr. Breezesquad. Enough talking. Here it is.

Nipplepeople - Sutra (Breezesquad Remix) by Breezesquad

A treci je nas stari znalac Seraphus, koji je u sluzbenom dijelu natjecanja zavrijedio srebrni spomen. Odlucio je napravit jos jedan remix i poslati ga bez obaveze. Takvu energiju i namjere jednostavno obozavamo. A kad je pristigli rezultat najnjezniji i najemotivniji do sad, onda smo potpuno odusevljeni. Poslusajte i sami.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Chemical Brothers: Further...

It's often asked what the Chemical Brothers actually do on stage, but Rowlands explains that they control the arrangements of each track – "Dissolve" from Further, for example, is "broken into 16 parts, and within that there are many possibilities, just with the mixing desk. We might have something completely different that we came up with in the soundcheck running beside it. On Sunday night, we threw away sections of songs to do something else before returning to them. We want to sound as if we're only half in control."

Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Kliknite OVDJE i vodimo vas do Atlantis Bloga, gdje Vam se kratko obraćamo i pozivamo na ljetno druženje.


Thursday, 20 May 2010

Nipplepeople: a kako smo i obećali...

...evo i gospodina pobjednika. U prethodnom postu je sve rečeno. Bez puno priče dakle, neka bude zvuk...

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Nipplepeople: Rezultati remix natječaja i neke sitnice...

Dragi prijatelji, vijećali smo i vijećali, i konačno se odlučili za pobjednika našeg mega popularnog i fantastično spektakularnog natječaja. Evo par činjenica. Materijali za remix su se downloadali nama nevjerovatnih 310 puta. Prvo smo mislili napisat da je pristiglo oko 130 remikseva, i da je bilo zaista tesko proći kroz sve to i odabrati pobjednika, pa smo mislili napisati istinu uz referat o lijenosti čovjeka u nas, ali smo se na kraju odlucili samo za istinu. Dakle, broj pristiglih radova je manji od 10. Ali nije 1.

Da ne duljimo, odlučili smo pehar predati Agramsvilleu. Da, da, da, Agramsvilleu, našim kolegama s Yammat kompilacije. Pritom prisežemo svojom čašću i svime u što vjerujemo, da smo se vodili samo glazbom, srcem i visokim nekorumpiranim kriterijima kojima i inače prilazimo stvarima do kojima nam je stalo. Oni su napravili najzavršenije djelo, podsjetili nas na lijena ljetna popodneva, i poprilično nas oduševili zvukom.

Takodjer, dajemo na uvid i 4 kandidata iz užeg izbora. Jedan veliki BRAVO za njih. Oni su, abecednim redom:

Bojan Rukavina (Logical Dream Remix)

Dj Dino

Jacob Stanwik


Hvala svima što ste odvojili vrijeme. Zaista.



izražavamo maleno, mizerno i posve sitno žaljenje šta nismo dobili niti jedan uradak koji je uništio SUTRA. Jedan noisepunkserialkillerpsychorapist37secondsshitremix. Potiho smo se nadali. Drugi put.


počevši od sutra, pobjednički remix možete hvatati ekskluzivno na Otvorenom radiu, a poslušati i downloadati na ovom mjestu, za točno tjedan dana, ali vas ništa ne sprječava da već sad uživate u 4 srebrne verzije. Do slušanja.

Nipplepeople-Sutra(Logical Dream Remix) by nipplepeople

Nipplepople - Sutra (DJ Dino Radio Mix 2010) by nipplepeople

Nipplepeople - Sutra (Jacob Stanwik Club Edit) by nipplepeople

Seraphus - Sutra ( late nite rmx ) by nipplepeople

Jack White: Alison Mosshart is Lady Gaga's nightmare...

"Ona je krenula iz sasvim drukčijeg pravca. Ona je nevjerojatna osoba i ne moožete joj se ni primaknuti na bini - ona je trenutno jedan od najboljih frontmena. Privlači pažnju svih, nikada nisam bio u bendu gdje svi gledaju u pjevača. Zaposijeda i muškarce i djevojke u isto vrijeme, što je teško za frontmenicu jer riskira da ju djevojke mrze. Ali one je vole i više od muškaraca". Jack White o Alison Mosshart. WATCH

OK, malo ćemo ohladit s Lady Gagom, al ona nas je pronalazila zadnjih dana. Sama. Stvarno.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Joanna Newsom:Lady Gaga is Arty Spice...

"...but there's not much in her music to distinguish it from other glossy, formulaic pop. She just happens to wear slightly weirder outfits than Britney Spears. But they're notthat weird-- they're mostly just skimpy. She's fully marketing her body/sexuality; she's just doing it while wearing, like, a 'fierce' telephone hair-hat. Her sexuality has no scuzziness, no frank raunchiness, in the way that, say, Peaches, or even Grace Jones, have-- she's Arty Spice! And, meanwhile, she seems to take herself so oddly seriously, the way she talks about her music in the third person, like she's Brecht or something. She just makes me miss Cyndi Lauper." Joanna Newsom

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Nipplepeople: We sometimes twitt...

Click HERE to go to our twitter account and perhaps start following... or else. Or else what?? Exactly.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Morrissey pays tribute to late superfan...

"I did not know Melinda personally, but I felt as if I did, she was a smiling face who lent strength to every single concert, even when events were going somewhat pear-shaped. I felt as if I knew Mel because she was always there – regardless of wherever 'there' happened to be; no snowbound landscape too far, no off-the-beaten track too untrekkable ... She had heard these live renditions enough times to emaciate the brain of the most inherently decent devotee.
Whenever I handed her the mic, she would make an effort to say something different ... She was booed by the audience once – in Killarney, when she asked (via microphone) with a tone of disbelief, 'Why Killarney?' but I don't think she meant the contorted snootiness assessed by the rest of the audience because she was not that type." Morrissay

Friday, 30 April 2010

Cindy Lauper: Lady Gaga “is the art”...

"An artist's job is to take a snapshot — be it through words or sound, lyrics or song — that explains what it's like to be alive at that time. Lady Gaga's art captures the period we're in right now. These days, you go to a club and wonder who all these kids are. They don't seem to have jobs. How can they afford to be here? Her song 'Beautiful, Dirty, Rich' explains that scene. It's about the New York prep-school party kids she grew up with. It's where she came from. Gaga's lyrics are incredibly literary. When 'Bad Romance; starts, the music grabs your ear immediately. Then she opens with the line 'I want your ugly/ I want your disease,' and all of a sudden you're listening. Most of the stuff on the radio is not very clever, but Gaga presents her ideas in a sophisticated manner. She has an incredible pop sensibility." Cindy Lauper

Monday, 5 April 2010

Nipplepeople, live@KC Grad, Beograd, 10.04.2010...

Najavljujemo kratki, polusatni live set, pa ako ste u blizinu navratite. Ovo je inace nastup broj 1, pa se ne sramite podrzati nas i na tren nas uciniti da se osjecamo kao vladari svijeta. Jos nastupaju Marmat, Ljubavna Farmakopeja i Mladi ljudi. Specijalne zahvale, ali zaista specijalne, osobi koja je posudila tijelo na slici gore, te osobi koja je to tijelo iskoristila. U slucaju da se radi o istoj osobi, onda izrazavamo potpuno divljenje.
Wish us luck i vidimo se tamo...

Friday, 19 March 2010

Nipplepeople: Ako vam se remiksira, sjecka ili slaže...

...onda nastavite čitati ovaj tekst, koji piše da se naš singl 'Sutra' ovim putem nudi na remiks i da jedva čekamo čuti vaše interpretacije istog. Rok za slanje vaših uradaka je 11.04., a šaljete ih na nipplepeople@gmail.com. To je ujedno i mail za sva pitanja ili nedoumice u vezi ove akcije. Takodjer, imat ćemo i pobjednika. I dat ćemo sve od sebe da ga ispromoviramo i pohvalimo kako to jedan pobjednik zasluzuje. Eto. Dolje je link sa kanalima od 'Sutra'. Dobru zabavu.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Ljupka Dimitrovska: Ljubila sam jednog robota...

Sve se zna
Sve je po planu
Uzalud trazis mu manu
Jer on je miran
Sav programiran
Al dosta je

Ja bi sve
Da je po starom
Biti s njim ko s racunarom
I kad me dira
On funkcionira
Al dosta je

Sad vidim
Djelila sam ljubav s jednim robotom
vidjala ga uvijek samo subotom
Ko da nismo mladi
Pricao je stalno sto radi
Sad vidim
Djelila sam ljubav s jednom napravom
Nije znao niti ko sam zapravo
Kad treba da te shvati
Otkazu mu svi aparati

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Mayales: Tu na tebe mislim ja...

na tebe, ja sam grub u svojim mislima
pomalo sad shvacam put
do tih tvojih godina
i kao plamen iz sjecanja
gura me kroz dane tvoja ruka velika
jer uvijek kada odes ti
shvatim da u tami smo bez tebe mi
svaki put kad nestane
tvoj lik u mojem sjecanju
bojim se da nestaje
zauvijek, zauvijek
(bojim se da nisi tu)

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Broken Bells: The high road is hard to find...

"So I took the dog for a walk up in the mountains, and put this little dog on the leash, and went out to the nature trial. And I heard this rustling and it was bear season, when they start coming down out of the heights to forage for stuff. So I started kind of creeping up and I took the leash of the dog and put it over a stick. And I walked just a little bit further and a female black bear just stood up in front of me. It was huge, full grown. Way, way big. I was scared shitless. Then, at the same time, a cub went right up the tree. So I went RARGH” - he stands up, arms held aloft in an intimidating pose - “which I’d been instructed to do. I had a pistol, because it was bear season, so I guess that would have been the last resort. I started backing up, and I was literally shaking because I was so terrified, but acting pissed at the same time. Then I was like ‘Misty’ - the name of the dog - ‘Misty, Misty, come here’. She’s freaking out because I’m screaming and yelling, and she has no idea what’s going on because she’s blind. Of course, the dog can’t get to me, because she’s tied to a stick, so I have to go back to get to the dog.” He shakes his head. “It was just the most frightening thing I’ve ever experienced.” James Mercer, Broken Bells WATCH

Tereza, kao neočekivani gost...

"Ne mogu pjevači ni proživljavati tekstove koji su stupidni jer, ako proživljavaš stupidni tekst, onda si i ti stupidan! To je tako jasno. Kad netko pjeva da mrav nosi teret ljubavi ili da mu se nosi bila boja, kako će to proživljavati? Svaka čast Joli, ali nemojte mi reći da on proživljava taj tekst. On proživljava ritam, on proživljava i radost onih koji cupkaju jer oni mogu samo cupkati, plesati na takvu glazbu. On unosi veselje među narod, i to je dobro, to je pozitivno, ali nemojte mi reći da proživljava išta drugo do radosti što će nakon toga dobiti honorar." Tereza Kesovija

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Lunar: Graffiti is my first love and will remain so...

"My personified animal characters are humans actually. I put them in context of doing regular things that humans do. I just simply put them in position to show as much with very little drawn. Some are lazy, some are crooks, some are just regular Harry, Dick and Tom with their own little satisfactions which will cost them life one day, like smoking or drinking. For some we feel sympathy, some are getting on our nerves, some are ugly, some are nicer, some we’d like to hug, some to kick their butt.. Graffiti are thing I naturally do since I was a kid. I always loved to play with letters. Since most people cannot read them I find it a play among the writers, like a video game with collecting points. As you evolve and grow, you find more efficient ways to put your name up. The writing which I sometimes put next to my pieces shows the way I felt at that time.. Sometimes might be some harsh sentence from a rap song, sometimes a thought from Russian literature which I might have liked." Lunar VISIT

Goldfrapp: I'm a believer, i'm a believer, i'm a believer in you now...

"It's very exciting.There's part of you thinks, "My god, I'm responsible for people listening to this particular piece of music" and part of me feels a bit guilty about that. But part of me thinks, "Yes, world domination, they should listen to it. Good! Good!" But it's a bit like seeing yourself on television-- it makes you blush the first few times..." Will Gregory (Goldfrapp) WATCH

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Beach House: Millions of stars, they open to your fate...

"...and not to be really corny about astrology, but I'm a Gemini, so I'm very dual. I love something and I hate it at the same time, so that probably comes out in the lyrics. When we came to that title, Devotion, I knew there would be more sides than just one. It's not about one side, it's not even about two. It's about dimensions. I try to always keep that open, and that's probably why I like jewels, because they have these multiple facets to them. I like to hear what other people's interpretations are, because people come up with things I'd never thought about. People who create art would be fools to assume they know exactly what people are going to think of it." Victoria, Beach House WATCH