Friday, 19 March 2010

Nipplepeople: Ako vam se remiksira, sjecka ili slaže...

...onda nastavite čitati ovaj tekst, koji piše da se naš singl 'Sutra' ovim putem nudi na remiks i da jedva čekamo čuti vaše interpretacije istog. Rok za slanje vaših uradaka je 11.04., a šaljete ih na To je ujedno i mail za sva pitanja ili nedoumice u vezi ove akcije. Takodjer, imat ćemo i pobjednika. I dat ćemo sve od sebe da ga ispromoviramo i pohvalimo kako to jedan pobjednik zasluzuje. Eto. Dolje je link sa kanalima od 'Sutra'. Dobru zabavu.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Ljupka Dimitrovska: Ljubila sam jednog robota...

Sve se zna
Sve je po planu
Uzalud trazis mu manu
Jer on je miran
Sav programiran
Al dosta je

Ja bi sve
Da je po starom
Biti s njim ko s racunarom
I kad me dira
On funkcionira
Al dosta je

Sad vidim
Djelila sam ljubav s jednim robotom
vidjala ga uvijek samo subotom
Ko da nismo mladi
Pricao je stalno sto radi
Sad vidim
Djelila sam ljubav s jednom napravom
Nije znao niti ko sam zapravo
Kad treba da te shvati
Otkazu mu svi aparati

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Mayales: Tu na tebe mislim ja...

na tebe, ja sam grub u svojim mislima
pomalo sad shvacam put
do tih tvojih godina
i kao plamen iz sjecanja
gura me kroz dane tvoja ruka velika
jer uvijek kada odes ti
shvatim da u tami smo bez tebe mi
svaki put kad nestane
tvoj lik u mojem sjecanju
bojim se da nestaje
zauvijek, zauvijek
(bojim se da nisi tu)

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Broken Bells: The high road is hard to find...

"So I took the dog for a walk up in the mountains, and put this little dog on the leash, and went out to the nature trial. And I heard this rustling and it was bear season, when they start coming down out of the heights to forage for stuff. So I started kind of creeping up and I took the leash of the dog and put it over a stick. And I walked just a little bit further and a female black bear just stood up in front of me. It was huge, full grown. Way, way big. I was scared shitless. Then, at the same time, a cub went right up the tree. So I went RARGH” - he stands up, arms held aloft in an intimidating pose - “which I’d been instructed to do. I had a pistol, because it was bear season, so I guess that would have been the last resort. I started backing up, and I was literally shaking because I was so terrified, but acting pissed at the same time. Then I was like ‘Misty’ - the name of the dog - ‘Misty, Misty, come here’. She’s freaking out because I’m screaming and yelling, and she has no idea what’s going on because she’s blind. Of course, the dog can’t get to me, because she’s tied to a stick, so I have to go back to get to the dog.” He shakes his head. “It was just the most frightening thing I’ve ever experienced.” James Mercer, Broken Bells WATCH

Tereza, kao neočekivani gost...

"Ne mogu pjevači ni proživljavati tekstove koji su stupidni jer, ako proživljavaš stupidni tekst, onda si i ti stupidan! To je tako jasno. Kad netko pjeva da mrav nosi teret ljubavi ili da mu se nosi bila boja, kako će to proživljavati? Svaka čast Joli, ali nemojte mi reći da on proživljava taj tekst. On proživljava ritam, on proživljava i radost onih koji cupkaju jer oni mogu samo cupkati, plesati na takvu glazbu. On unosi veselje među narod, i to je dobro, to je pozitivno, ali nemojte mi reći da proživljava išta drugo do radosti što će nakon toga dobiti honorar." Tereza Kesovija

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Lunar: Graffiti is my first love and will remain so...

"My personified animal characters are humans actually. I put them in context of doing regular things that humans do. I just simply put them in position to show as much with very little drawn. Some are lazy, some are crooks, some are just regular Harry, Dick and Tom with their own little satisfactions which will cost them life one day, like smoking or drinking. For some we feel sympathy, some are getting on our nerves, some are ugly, some are nicer, some we’d like to hug, some to kick their butt.. Graffiti are thing I naturally do since I was a kid. I always loved to play with letters. Since most people cannot read them I find it a play among the writers, like a video game with collecting points. As you evolve and grow, you find more efficient ways to put your name up. The writing which I sometimes put next to my pieces shows the way I felt at that time.. Sometimes might be some harsh sentence from a rap song, sometimes a thought from Russian literature which I might have liked." Lunar VISIT

Goldfrapp: I'm a believer, i'm a believer, i'm a believer in you now...

"It's very exciting.There's part of you thinks, "My god, I'm responsible for people listening to this particular piece of music" and part of me feels a bit guilty about that. But part of me thinks, "Yes, world domination, they should listen to it. Good! Good!" But it's a bit like seeing yourself on television-- it makes you blush the first few times..." Will Gregory (Goldfrapp) WATCH

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Beach House: Millions of stars, they open to your fate...

"...and not to be really corny about astrology, but I'm a Gemini, so I'm very dual. I love something and I hate it at the same time, so that probably comes out in the lyrics. When we came to that title, Devotion, I knew there would be more sides than just one. It's not about one side, it's not even about two. It's about dimensions. I try to always keep that open, and that's probably why I like jewels, because they have these multiple facets to them. I like to hear what other people's interpretations are, because people come up with things I'd never thought about. People who create art would be fools to assume they know exactly what people are going to think of it." Victoria, Beach House WATCH

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

What can we expect in July...

"Deci u Fatimi se pre skoro sto godina ukazala Gospa, isto se desilo, koju desetinu godina kasnije, i njihovim vršnjacima iz Međugorja. U onom jezeru malo-malo pa se pojavljuje (ne)postojeće ćudovište, dok se našim ministrima priviđa rast životnog standarda, mirovanje cena i postojanje konkurencije. Čini mi se da sam upravo upao u to ekskluzivno društvo - ja, rab božji, Branislav Zukić, drugog septembra 2009. godine slušao sam muziku koja je toliko dobra da veći deo vremena zapravo zvuči kao proviđenje. Imenovati krivca za to moje nadrealno iskustvo uopšte nije teško. Ime mu je Leonard Koen." Clanak iz Politike, Septembar 2009. WATCH