Sunday 2 December 2012

Pete Doherty...

"The other day I really hadn't slept since last week's gig at Brixton Jamm, and I was coming home on the train. I fell asleep for an hour, woke up and didn't know who I was. I was completely devastated and I burst into tears. The train was parked up. Apparently I'd been shouting in my sleep as well, so they'd just left me. I knew I shouldn't be crying. The train manager said: 'What's the matter?' I told him straight: 'Look, I don't know who I am, I don't know where I am.' He said: 'You're Peter.' And I was going: 'No, no, I'm not.' Then bang, everything flooded back. I got my bag and ran off. But it was a really horrible feeling and I can imagine it in a few years just lasting longer and longer."

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