Sunday 21 October 2012

Annie Mac, BBC radio presenter and a DJ...

When you get to that big level of proper superstar DJs, it just makes me sad. So much of that world is just about women in cages with no clothes on. I think that whole format is so tired, and it automatically puts women in the position where they're there to dance to the DJs, rather than being the people who create music. Touring with Tiƫsto for the documentary, it was just a bit depressing. It's not his fault: he likes girls just as much as they like him, it's just the way it is. I always want to be surrounded by fat, hairy men when I play Ibiza as an antidote to what's become an accepted format. Sometimes I see groupies with DJs and I just want to be like, "Nooo! Please have some self-respect! Come and talk to me!" The big sister in me comes out and it's hard. But I can't say anything. I just have to be quiet and let it happen.

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