If you want to be a creative person, the big thing is to locate your own creative voice, which can be quite difficult. When I went to art college, I would read books about famous artists of years gone by and think, “Oh, well, if I went and lived in Marrakech and ate only oatmeal and bananas for a year, I'd become really artistic,” as if there's some kind of recipe. But instead of looking off into the distance, try and concentrate on your immediate surroundings and you will find that you already have a unique take on the world. It's just that you might not recognize it. The key to locating it is by being specific and writing about the details of situations, because a detail proves that you were actually there and lends authenticity to what you're writing. And the weird thing is that, by being more specific, it opens things up and makes it universal.
Friday, 21 November 2014
Thursday, 7 August 2014
An interview with Cella and the Wolves...
"I never know what could inspire me, what can be the trigger. And that is such a thrill. It can be something that you see on your way to the grocery shop or some small remark that a friend said after the cinema. Truly, it can be anything in the right moment, i don’t discriminate. I am always open for an adventure."
Excerpt from an interview with Anita Celic Cella
Whole interview HERE.
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
New York, December 2013....
"...mjesec lebdi nad Manhatnom kao veliki kolut zrelog sira, a ja sjedim na zadnjem sjedištu ogromne limuzine.To je najveći automobil koji sam ikad vidio, ali dok prelazimo East River koji svjetluca na mjesečini ispod masivnog željeznog mosta u 59oj ulici, sa čuvenim prizorom grada u pozadini, više nisam siguran u to. Moje prvo putovanje u New York biće početak doživotne ljubavne priče s gradom koji me opčinjava kao nijedan drugi, gradom neobuzdane mašte, opojnih, zaluđujućih snova, legendarne jednostavnosti i drame vertikalnih socijalnih kretanja. Zaljubljen sam. Limuzina krivuda između kišnicom ispunjenih rupa na asfaltu, a šahtovi ispuštaju stupove bijele pare iz nekog divljeg prometejskog podsvijeta odmah ispod površine ulica. Očaran sam čak i prljavštinom Bowerya..."
Friday, 31 January 2014
nipplepeople TEBI
sve ljubavi sva lutanja sve predstave za nas ja nemam ništa da je moje, da ti dam i tekst što pišem nema slike, nema trag moj glas je drukčiji samo tebi jer me znaš a sram me vremena tišine me je sram ja samo tebi tebi pripadam tu, tu stalno tonemo, zar ne iz mraka spustit ćemo bilo kome sve u strahu svaki put u strahu bilo kad ja samo tebi tebi pripadam budi moj, da znam da više ništa ne čuvam sad pravim se da znam al više niko ne gleda još uvijek želim sve i tijelo lomi se tiho tiho noći odlaze i nikog nema, nikog nema tu.
artwork by Anita Celić Cella
music and words by nipplepeople
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